Some experience when use Docker
In this week, my job is set up ELK with Suricata. I choose docker is platform to run all. Now, i had some experience about docker.
Use docker-compose. It is very good deployment for production, build && run.
Install docker-compose via pip.
Use build image to create your custom start-up distro.
I used docker compose version 2 syntax, notice different with version, like network and net
Use network --net if you need monitor, or use all card
You can not use cd command, must use WORKDIR. Read Dockerfile document very carefully.
Use links, when use it, it run links container before. You can run manual, and start main container after. Must sure it started.
In docker command, must use command to hold tty, like: suricata -c xxx or python manager server
Thanks for reading
Security Research
SecurityLab - Linux Lab -- Window and Cisco Lab
to be continued - I will update more.
Nam Habach