PHP - Simple CMS
Coding. It is process, a work, in my feeling, very hard. But i regard porgramming as lego-games. Use many piece to bulit one program.
Last week-end, i try to build CMS using Ajax. It is very simple.:
One object is cms, it is center of this CMS. It received request, respone, create html, load template....
I use html text in ajax response, like simple another web, because, i don`t remember using JSON and XML :)). And it is hardly to web server ( many webserver doesn`t support XML response). HTML is simple.
I learned many attention: don`t use header command to change header ( again, web server doesn`t support). I used echo and javascript to redirect page.
Next, don`t use session_is_registered(0, it can be duplecated. I use $_SESSION['name'] = $value to replace it.
Create function if you use more than 2 times, and if it don`t use sql to query, it should out of main object. Only Object can query database.
Input filter + unicode chart. Using utf-8 to html to import to database.
Many attention, but now i can`t remember.
Thanks for reading
All my Lab:
Linux Lab -- window and Cisco Lab
to be continued - I will update more.
Nam Habach