Linux - Trick
Tý trick nho nhỏ:
/etc/issue ( before)
/etc/motd (after)
#Banner ... SSH Banner
Tra ve user dang login
netstat -nlp -ntlp -nulp
Show Listening socket
Show listen port va cac connect toi
lsof -i :53
-c number : ping với số lần
-s size
-i s : khoảng cách giữa các đợt
#tcpdump -D : Network interfaces available for the capture
#tcpdump -n : To display numerical addresses rather than symbolic (DNS) addresses
tcpdump -i eth0#tcpdump udp
#tcpdump port http
#tcpdump -c 20 : To stop the capture after 20 packets
#tcpdump -w capture.log
Sử dụng vim tìm kiếm: / sau hoặc ? trước, n để next
:set number show lines
:set number hide lines
:0 go to first line
:$ go to end line
Mình dùg vim, ko biết nano
Thanks for reading
All my Lab:
Linux Lab -- window and Cisco Lab
to be continued - I will update more.
Nam Habach