Install VMware Server 2 in Ubuntu 10.10

First entry for new year - 2011.
Now, i try install Ubuntu. And i have one idea: Install VMware Server in one computer, and use VMware client to connect to server :)).
Now, i assign static IP for server, is
Next, download Vmware Server. My OS is Ubuntu 10.10
Register one free account and you will download it. Chose Vmware Server for Linux OS, type (.gz).
Install some compoment:

sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential xinetd

Then, download script:

wget --no-check-certificate

Note file:

tar xvfz

You will have folder: raducotescu-vmware-server-linux-*

mv VMware-server-*.tar.gz raducotescu-vmware-server-linux-2.6.3x-kernel-71f8b66/

sudo ./

In install process, you can Enter to next, but notice:

The current administrative user for VMware Server is ''. Would you like to specify a different administrator? [no] <-- yes
Please specify the user whom you wish to be the VMware Server administrator <--your account to login


Please enter your 20-character serial number? <--Your serial number

If finish, you can go to: localhost:8222 or https:localhost:8333 to login adminstrator web. Create Datastore ( if need), and Virtual Machine.
If you use Ubuntu 10.10, default web browse is Firefox 3.6.x. You can`t connect to virtual computer. Because VM remote plugin error with 3.6.x. You can using FF 3.5.x.
But, i like using VM client, don`t want use web access.
First: download add-on:

cd /tmp
wget –no-check-certificate localhost/ui/plugin/vmware-vmrc-linux-x86.xpi

if in other computer, change localhost to server IP

mkdir -p bin/vmwareconsole
cd bin/vmwareconsole
unzip /tmp/
cd /bin
ln -s /tmp/bin/vmwareconsole/plugins/vmware-vmrc vm-console

Now, you start: vm-console
Host: ServerIP:8333
Finish Lab.

Thanks for reading
All my Lab:
Linux Lab -- window and Cisco Lab
to be continued - I will update more.

Nam Habach