Install Ubuntu with Wubi
Today, i had some works with perl on Linux, so i tried to install Ubuntu on my desktop. I chose Wubi to install it, because i haven`t got DVD-RW or USB. So sad. It is first time i install with Wubi.
All work is very good. But when i restarted, my computer login to XP. I thinked:"Ubuntu iso file errors?". But i install successfully in windows.
So i find It is good, line "G:\wubildr.mbr =Ubuntu" append to it.
I notice to timeout line: Timeout=0. Yes, that is. So i change it to 30.
But i cann`t write the change. File read only. Oh mu god.
Next, i must use google. Open MyComputer, Right Click, Chose Property, Chose Advance. Chost Setting in Starup. Change Timeout. Ok to complete.
Restart, Menu boot appeared. Install now.
Thanks for reading
All my Lab:
Linux Lab -- window and Cisco Lab
to be continued - I will update more.
Nam Habach